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2 posts tagged with "tutorials"

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Let's Make Learning Frontend Great Again!

ยท 8 min read
Hatem Hosny
Author of LiveCodes

Gone are the happy days when we used to start a frontend project by creating 3 files (for HTML, CSS and JavaScript), and start coding. Frontend development is becoming increasingly complex with a large number of frameworks (and meta frameworks) each with its own (non-standard) syntax, processors, build tools and configuration files. These are all great tools, and each solves a real set of problems. However, the ecosystem has become overwhelming for new comers who want to start a frontend development career.

Let's Make an Interactive Coding Tutorial

ยท 16 min read
Hatem Hosny
Author of LiveCodes

Let's assume we want to make an interactive coding tutorial (for HTML, CSS and JavaScript) on a blog or a tutorials website. The tutorial should have a playground that helps us guide the students to write code, see the results and complete an assignment task.

We are going to use LiveCodes and its powerful SDK to achieve this. So, here we go.