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LiveCodes for Education

ยท 7 min read
Hatem Hosny
Author of LiveCodes

LiveCodes - A Gateway to Interactive Learningโ€‹

In the evolving landscape of education, teachers and students are continuously seeking effective learning tools. The need for such tools is even more pronounced in the sphere of programming. The complexity of setting up development environments and the steep learning curve of programming languages are often challenging. This is where LiveCodes steps in, offering a seamless solution that makes programming accessible, interactive, and engaging while remaining free (and open-source) with unlimited usage. The versatility of LiveCodes makes it an ideal tool for schools, colleges, and coding bootcamps, as well as course websites and online learning platforms.

LiveCodes for Education

What is LiveCodes?โ€‹

LiveCodes is a feature-rich, open-source, client-side, code playground that runs directly in your browser. It is an innovative platform that enables quick prototyping and experimenting with various technologies without the need for setup of individual development environments. It is an excellent tool for learning and teaching programming, offering a platform for quick prototyping and idea experimentation.

See more: Introducing LiveCodes ๐ŸŽ‰, LiveCodes Docs

Language Supportโ€‹

LiveCodes supports a wide range of programming languages (currently more than 80), making it suitable for teaching and learning different programming concepts. Here are some of the language categories supported by LiveCodes:

Web Languagesโ€‹

LiveCodes supports web languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also extends support to web frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, and Solid. In addition, the most popular CSS processors and frameworks are supported, including Sass, Less, Stylus, Tailwind CSS, CSS modules, PostCSS, and many more.


Embedded (interactive) playground for React starter template


Python, one of the most popular languages for beginners and experienced coders alike, is also supported on LiveCodes. This allows for a broader range of applications and projects to be developed and tested on the platform. Data science and machine learning projects are also supported (using Pyodide).


Embedded (interactive) playground for Python starter template
See more: Python Docs, Python starter template, Python-Wasm Docs, Python-Wasm starter template

Block-Based and Low-Code Programmingโ€‹

For beginners, particularly kids, LiveCodes offers Blockly, a block-based programming interface. This feature makes learning programming concepts easier and more engaging, providing a strong foundation for future coding education. More over, LiveCodes also supports a rich text editor which produces valid HTML. The readable code produced by these tools (JavaScript from Blockly and HTML from the rich text editor) can be examined by the user for an engaging learning experience.

A screenshot for Blockly starter template on LiveCodes

A screenshot for Blockly starter template on LiveCodes

Rich text editor on LiveCodes

Rich text editor on LiveCodes
See more: Blockly starter template, rich text editor example

More Languagesโ€‹

LiveCodes supports a comprehensive list of other languages, including C, C++, PHP, Ruby, Go, Lua, Scheme, Common Lisp, R, Julia, and many more. This makes LiveCodes a universal tool for learning and teaching programming. The large number of starter templates makes it easy to get started with any of the supported programming languages.

See more: LiveCodes Languages, Starter Templates

Powerful Editorโ€‹

The default code editor is the powerful editor that powers VS Code, featuring intellisense, code-completion, go-to-definition, multi-cursor support and other powerful features. The editor is very customizable. It supports keyboard shortcuts, code formatting, Emmet abbreviations and even Vim and Emacs bindings.

LiveCodes editor intellisense

LiveCodes editor intellisense
See more: Code Editor

Importing Codeโ€‹

LiveCodes makes code importing seamless. Code can be easily pulled from GitHub and many other sources without leaving the platform, providing an excellent opportunity for students to learn from existing codes and integrate them into their projects or assignments.

Import screen

Import screen
See more: Import

Exporting/Sharing Projectsโ€‹

Collaboration is at the heart of LiveCodes. Projects can be exported locally or to GitHub gists. In addition, users can easily share projects with peers or teachers, making it a valuable tool for cooperative learning and project evaluation.

Export project

Export project

Share screen

Share screen
See more: Export - Share

Integrated Consoleโ€‹

LiveCodes provides an integrated console, enabling users to examine their code output in real time, a feature that significantly enhances the learning and debugging experience.

LiveCodes console

See more: Console

Compiled Code Viewerโ€‹

The compiled code viewer in LiveCodes is an excellent tool for students learning new languages and frameworks. It provides a clear view of how languages like TypeScript/JSX compile to JavaScript, or how CSS processors operate.

LiveCodes compiled code viewer

See more: Compiled Code

Tasks and Assignmentsโ€‹

LiveCodes offers a test runner that can be used to validate tasks and assignments, providing immediate feedback. This feature allows teachers to set tasks and students to validate their solutions, promoting an interactive learning environment.

LiveCodes tests

LiveCodes test runner

Python doctests

Python doctests
See more: Tests

Rapid Feedbackโ€‹

One of the standout features of LiveCodes is its instant feedback mechanism. Students can see the result of their code directly in the browser without running any compilation or build. This immediate response encourages experimentation and enhances understanding.

AI Assistanceโ€‹

The AI code assistant available (for free) in LiveCodes helps users write better code. This feature provides on-the-fly suggestions and corrections, making the journey of learning coding less daunting for beginners and more efficient for advanced users. The AI assistance can be turned off for tasks and assignments.

LiveCodes AI code assistant

LiveCodes AI code assistant (JavaScript)

LiveCodes AI code assistant

LiveCodes AI code assistant (Python)
See more: AI Code Assistant

Interactive Tutorialsโ€‹

The embedded playgrounds together with the powerful SDK allows you to create engaging interactive tutorials. Such tutorials can guide students through different programming concepts and projects, making LiveCodes a fun educational tool.

LiveCodes interactive tutorial

A screenshot of LiveCodes interactive tutorial
See more: Let's Make an Interactive Coding Tutorial


LiveCodes is not confined to desktops. The platform is mobile-friendly, allowing users to code on-the-go. The responsive layout allows working on devices with different screen sizes. On mobile, a lighter-weight touch-friendly code editor (CodeMirror 6) is used. This ensures that learning, practicing, or teaching coding can take place anytime, anywhere.

LiveCodes mobile interface

LiveCodes mobile interface

Embedded Playgroundsโ€‹

LiveCodes playgrounds can be easily embedded in any web page, be it in a course website, a tutorial blog post or a learning management system (LMS). The embed screen makes it easy to customize various options and configurations, and provides a preview for the embedded playground. Alternatively, the powerful SDK can be used to provide full control over creating and communicating with the embedded playground.

LiveCodes embed screen

LiveCodes embed screen

LiveCodes embed screen

Full Power with the SDKโ€‹

One of the distinguishing features of LiveCodes is its powerful SDK that provides an easy way for creating and communicating with embedded playgrounds. The SDK is available for various technologies including vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, and Svelte. This opens up endless possibilities for using it as a building block for bigger platforms that can revolutionize education.

See more: LiveCodes SDK

Free and Open-Sourceโ€‹

LiveCodes is totally free to use. There are no ads, no subscriptions, no account required, and no limits to its use. It can also be easily self-hosted and is licensed under the permissive MIT license which allows free commercial use.

See more: LiveCodes on GitHub


LiveCodes is an impactful and revolutionary tool that can transform the way programming is taught and learned in educational environments. Its rich features, wide language support, and ease of use make it a great choice for educators and learners.

Get in Touchโ€‹

Are you a teacher who wants to use LiveCodes for teaching? Are you a developer who wants to build an online learning platform? Please get in touch. We would love to help.

If you have any questions or feature requests, please submit an issue in the GitHub repo.

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